Category: risk management

Return To Office and Work From Home Risks 2023
risk management

Return to Office vs. Work from Home Risks

Return To Office Vs. Work-From-Home Risks More companies require employees to return to the office for two or more days, which makes me consider return to office vs. work-from-home risks. Business resilience professionals are crucial in ensuring an organization can withstand and recover from various disruptions, including employees working from home (WFH) or returning to

BCM Risk Mitigation
risk management

Risk Controls for Business Continuity

The Why for BCM Risk Controls It makes sense to consider the value of risk controls for business continuity. As we see Organizational and Operational Resilience gain traction in the industry, it is vital to understand risk controls for Business Continuity Management (BCM). In a previous blog, I talked about Resilience And Risk Advantage, sharing

Resilience Professional Considering Global Risks
risk management

Mapping the Geopolitical Risks Ahead

Understanding the Impact of Geopolitical Risks Mapping the geopolitical risks ahead is as crucial as preparing for the next natural disaster. Geopolitical risks can significantly impact the global economy, politics, and society. This blog explores the geopolitical risks ahead and what resilience planners and responders should consider. One devolving risk to the US is signaled

Top Catastrophes of the New Year
risk management

Disaster Forecast for 2023

Events I expect in 2023 but stay vigilant Going into the New Year, I expect the Disaster Forecast for 2023 will include some of the same trends in 2022. Although I cannot predict precisely what risks will escalate into disaster territory, I expect that one, if not several, of the main categories outlined below will

Resilience Officer Winter Risk Assessment
risk management

Should You Worry About Winter Power Outages?

Are winter power outages going to be a threat? Should you worry about winter power outages? Like me, you are concerned about what the upcoming winter in the Northern Hemisphere will bring. It’s not only a problem for half the globe; all of us are at risk. First, there is the instability caused by the

Risk and Resilience Racers
risk management

Resilience and Risk Advantage

The value of lifelong learning Recently, I had the fortune to attend a course that got me thinking about resilience and risk advantage. Amazingly, it was my first focused risk management training. Offered through Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII), Risk Management for the Business Continuity Professional provided an opportunity to establish a knowledge base. Industry

Remote Employee Wellbeing
risk management

Promoting Employee Resilience for Remote Workers

The importance of employee resilience Today, I am sharning the final installment of this mini-series focused on promoting employee resilience for remote workers. In this series, I have been sharing risks associated with working remotely. When I describe working remotely, I refer mainly to employees at home. Or they are employees with sales or recruiting

Remote Worker Resilience
risk management

Promoting Operational Resilience for Remote Workers

Continuing the work-from-home risk discussion In this five-part mini-series, I covered topics of safety and security risks, but this blog discusses promoting operational resilience for remote workers. If you have followed my blog for a while, you know that I have covered the topic of Operational Resilience (OpRes) for some time. The regulatory definition of

Traveling Security Practices
risk management

Promoting Security Resilience for Remote Workers

Encouraging security resilience Promoting security resilience for remote workers is vital to employee health and reducing business risk. In the second targeted installment of this Remote Work Risk series, I’m sharing guidance on how to keep your workforce secure. In the first focused blog, I started by addressing safety. And, of course, some of these

Employee Safety For Working Remotely
risk management

How to Promote Safety Resilience for Remote Workers

Preparedness in a new paradigm I am sharing how to promote safety resilience for remote workers in this series. As the second in the series on remote work risks, I intend to dive deeper into the topic with focus areas for resilience professionals to consider. As we build resilient organizations for a post-COVID environment, we

Disaster Empire