Another mass shooting event this week
What do we do when resilience fails? Or maybe, more accurately, it is not nurtured. Like you, I grieve over the multiple shooting events in the US over the past few weeks. On May 24, 2022, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos opened fire at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, United States, killing 21 people, including 19 children. There were shootings in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico over the last few days but not of a young adult gunning down children. I understand from experts that contagion is real and mass shooting events come in waves. Unfortunately, the 24/7 media cycle doesn’t help the cause. As much as people have a right to know what’s going on worldwide, I wish a news blackout happened from an emotional well-being standpoint, and to help stop the potential spread.
Public, private or homeschooling?
Run for the hills?
Resilience rebound
But then my resilience kicks in. I refuse to accept that so many good citizens in the country don’t also want the same end to these killing sprees of senseless violence that I do. The only tool I have is to refresh my resiliency, grieve for the dead and those left behind, and resolve to continue to make a positive difference in the world in the ways I can. That is by supporting and contributing to spreading resilience in all its forms. And then, I pray it makes some slight, positive difference in our world. It feels inadequate, but it is the only hope I have.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
2 thoughts on “When Resilience Fails”
Hi Ashley. This is a subject of great contention in our house. My daughter is a teacher and we want better controls around guns. Types of guns and who can own any gun. My husband thinks any restrictions will take away our amendment rights. It’s very important that we find a solution to this devastating situation. My daughter wants to leave teaching, she is worried about sending her son to school in the future and questioning bringing more children into this world. It’s not just because of this situation but all the hatred that continues to propagate in this world. Things need to change, no wonder mental health issues are escalating. Wishing you the best.
Susan – Thank you for sharing your perspectives.