Tag: cyberattacks

Exercise Big and Small Crisis Events
Crisis Leadership

Are We Exercising Too Small

How do we achieve Goldilock’s level of exercise? After the pandemic and other recent events, I began to ask if we were exercising too small. By that, I mean do we typically choose crisis scenarios — severe weather, location fire, or infectious disease outbreak that constrain our capabilities. I wondered if we inherently consider it

Cyber Risk and Mitigation
Business Continuity Management

BCI’s Cyber Resilience Report Insights

BCI’s Cyber Resilience Report Insights The Business Continuity Insitute (BCI) released its cyber resilience report yesterday. Below is a high level of BCI’s Cyber Resilience Report insights. Hopefully, you downloaded your copy, but if not, I found the following elements interesting. As usual, the BCI partners with a vendor, Daisy Group, a provider of B2B

Business Resilience Is Now
Business Resilience

The Future of Work is Essential to Resilience

Workforce planning & the COVID Outbreak The Future of Work is essential to resilience because of the sweeping changes to our lifestyles and economies. When I use the term “Future of Work,” I reflect on the changes that occurred due to the pandemic. However, I am also indicating the societal changes that were already occurring

Disaster Empire
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