Tag: disaster recovery

Business Resilience and Crisis Response
crisis management

Will Operational Resilience Change Crisis Management?

Will Operational Resilience Change Crisis Managment? In an ever-changing world, organizations face various challenges that can disrupt their operations. Crises can strike anytime, from natural disasters to cybersecurity breaches and pandemics. The traditional approach to crisis management has been reactive, focusing on containing and mitigating damage once an incident occurs. However, the concept of operational

Operational Resilience Framework
Operational Resilience

Unlocking the Power of Operational Resilience Planning

Operational Resilience’s Criticality Operational resilience planning is more critical than ever in today’s fast-paced and uncertain business landscape. Companies must be prepared for disruptions, whether natural disasters, cyberattacks, or unexpected market shifts cause them. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of operational resilience planning and how it can empower your organization to thrive

Financial Resilience Professionals Challenge
Business Continuity Management

Mastering Resilience: Unveiling the Ultimate Guide to Aligning DRI Framework with FFIEC Guidelines

First, What Is DRI? The Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI) is a globally recognized nonprofit organization promoting disaster recovery and business continuity. Established in 1988, DRI provides education, training, and certification programs to professionals and organizations involved in disaster recovery, business continuity, and resilience planning. Above all, its mission is to enhance the resilience of

Another Worldwide Event
crisis management

A Polycrisis Is On The Horizon

Why We Are Talking About Polycrisis Events With all of the buzz out there, it is hard not to consider that a policycrisis is on the horizon. Depending on who you talk to, some believe we are already experiencing it. Experts warn of severe crises that can simultaneously affect the world and your company. Others

WHO PEIC Concerns Reduced
Business Resilience Preparedness


The pandemic is over, what’s next? Now that COVID is over, resilience professionals are considering what is next for impactful emergencies. Indeed, concerns about cyberattacks are understandably trending over the last few years as many businesses increased their digital footprint. Then, there’s a recognition that a polycrisis can occur. A polycrisis could either have a

BCM Risk Mitigation
risk management

Risk Controls for Business Continuity

The Why for BCM Risk Controls It makes sense to consider the value of risk controls for business continuity. As we see Organizational and Operational Resilience gain traction in the industry, it is vital to understand risk controls for Business Continuity Management (BCM). In a previous blog, I talked about Resilience And Risk Advantage, sharing

2023 Return to In-person Conferences
Business Continuity Management

What I Learned from Conferences So Far

COVID is over, so what now? I learned from conferences this year that we are all still recovering from the worldwide pandemic. Many of you read my blog, In Praise Of Conferences, where I had my first real in-person experience since the COVID-19 emergency restrictions were enacted. Like others, I was glad to return to

Creating a Resilient Employee Culture Matters
Employee Resilience

Why Workforce Resilience Matters

What is workforce resilience? Workforce resilience refers to an organization’s ability to adapt to and recover from unexpected or adverse events. These events are economic downturns, natural disasters, pandemics, etc. Undoubtedly, the goal is to have increased flexibility without significant disruption to operations. It involves the ability of an organization’s employees to bounce back from

Be Illuminated For Change
Resilience Professional Skill-building

Unlearn Lumière’s Law

What is Lumiere’s Law? If you’ve clicked on this post, you probably wonder what I mean by unlearning Lumière’s Law. Get ready, folks, because this is another reference to Jeff Shannon’s book, Hard Work Is Not Enough. If you haven’t read it, I discussed it in What Executive Presence Is, The Problem With Multitasking, and

Hurricane Ian's Lessons for Resilience Professionals
disaster recovery

Recovery and Resilience

Hurricane Ian’s lesson in resilience Over the past week, Hurricane Ian slammed into the Caribbean, Cuba, then the Southern US reminding us of the importance of recovery and resilience. Experts are already ranking it among the top storms in United States history. As the storm moved northwards up the coast, millions were without electricity in

Disaster Empire
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