Tag: operational resilience

Crisis Response Ukraine

Responding to Civil Unrest & Incursions

Russia and Ukraine conflict Responding to civil unrest & incursions is a growing risk globally. Verisk Maplecroft, a global risk and strategic firm out of Bath, England, identified in 2020 that according to their Civil Unrest Index Projections, 75 countries will likely experience an increase in protests by late 2022. The conflict in Ukraine has

Russia Ukraine Conflict

Preparing for Civil Unrest & Incursions

Russian and Ukraine escalation Preparing for civil unrest & incursions is a reality for resilience professionals. Community agitation incidents are now the norm, whether from COVID-related protests, civil disobedience, or politically motivated riots. Tensions are escalating on the Russian-Ukrainian border this month. Many expect that an invasion of Russian forces into Ukrainian territory is imminent.

Crisis Response Team

Organizational vs. Operational Resilience

What is business resilience? Lately, the world of business continuity is abuzz with talk of organizational vs. operational resilience. Some are confused, some aspects are befuddling, and all of it speaks to the evolving nature of our world. If you are following my blogs, you know these are topics I’ve touched on for a while.

Resilience Program Evaluation Success

Resilience Program Evaluation

Resilience program evaluation As practitioners, we ask ourselves the best way to evaluate a resilience program. We’ve discussed how a resilience program is a holistic approach to enable an organization’s elasticity in response to a crisis. I wrapped up the Road to Resilience series with guidance about metrics and measures. Now, let’s dive in and

Resilience Program Evaluation

Resilience Series – Metrics & Measurements

Part 6 Road to Resilience Series – Metrics & Measurements Full circle on reslience program adminstration In the final part of the Road to Resilience Series – Metrics & Measurements, I will share insights for evaluating resilience programs. So far, we’ve reviewed crafting a vision, strategy, and program requirements. Here, we will close the series

RTR Series Part Five

Resilience Series – Program Plan

Part 5 Road to Resilience Series – Program Plan Purposeful program planning In this fifth part of the Road to Resilience Series – Program Plan, I focus on governance. It’s the system and mechanisms used to operate a program, including accountability. To determine what your program should look like for your organization, we established that

Strategic Thinking

Resilience Series – Strategy

Part 3 Road to Resilience Series – Strategy Strategic thinking to reboot a resilience program For the third installment of the Road to Resilience Series – Strategy, I will lead you through the vital steps to creating a roadmap for success. As we move past the pandemic phase of COVID, it’s time to take stock

Resilient Vision

Resilience Series – Vision

Part 2 of the Road to Resilience Series Road to resilience series – vision Following up on the first installment of the Road to Resilience series – Vision, this entry will get you started on creating a program. As we move into the New Year, now is the time to reflect, recharge, and set a

Resilience Program Series

The Road to Resilience

Part 1 of the Road to Resilience Series Resilience Map of the Future The road to resilience for business continuity is one we are already traveling on. In this series, I am laying a foundation for what the business continuity program could be. I hope you will join me on this journey to explore the

Diverse Disaster Management Strength
Cultural Disaster Preparedness

Diversity in Disaster Management

Inspired by my colleagues The importance of diversity in disaster management is vital to future emergency response. I recently listened to my colleague Mark Hoffman‘s The Resilient Journey podcast Episode 13 – Racial Inequity in Resilience (Part 1) with Vince Davis. After listening, I revisited former Disaster Empire post blogs, one being Cultural Awareness In

Disaster Empire
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