Category: Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Risk Assessment Value
Business Continuity Management

Why Risk Assessments Are Business Continuity Critical

The importance of risk assessments In this blog, I share why risk assessments are business continuity critical. I recently spoke to a colleague I respect highly about the essential aspects of business continuity. We started to talk about how each of us viewed assets as they related to risk management. From her perspective, assets are

Business Continuity Resilience Interview
Business Continuity Management

The Resilient Journey Podcast

Check out my chat Mark Hoffman The Resilient Journey podcast recently asked me to sit down for my take on articulating value for business continuity practitioners. The host, Mark Hoffman, is exploring some of the most significant issues facing organizations today. During our chat, I share some valuable tips that resilience professionals can incorporate into

After the Pandemic
Business Continuity Management

What to expect when COVID ends

Business Continuity after the pandemic Many of us are looking ahead to determine what to expect when COVID ends. In my last blog, The End of Business Continuity As We Know It, I shared why I believe business continuity practice is evolving. Today, I am considering business continuity’s future. No discipline can remain static and

disaster recovery transformation
Business Continuity Management

The End of Business Continuity As We Know It

COVID-19 is a watershed moment Is this the end of business continuity as we know it? COVID-19 was a wake-up call for business continuity (BC) practitioners that our use of technical language and process is less than compelling. Few business groups understand what we do and why it is essential. Even when they do, our

Disaster Planning With Customers
Business Continuity Management

How To Increase Participation In BCM Programs

Fear incapacitates – demystify BCM Here are four ideas about how to increase participation in BCM programs. Picking up on a theme I shared in previous blogs such as A Customer Focus Means Enhanced Resilience and Future Business Continuity Is Customer-Centric, one of our challenges is not providing a return on value. By this, I

Disaster Empire
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