Category: COVID-19

Business During COVID

Emergency Return To Work During COVID

Returning employees to offices during COVID Emergency return to work during COVID is a challenging proposition. Many of you shared having employees working in offices throughout the pandemic. For the most part, the employees and contractors accessing offices are considered essential employees that need to continue critical functions. Often, crucial personnel fulfills key continuity roles.

Person using PPE for the panemic

The Importance of Resilience During COVID

Being resilient when you aren’t feeling it The importance of resilience during COVID-19 is being promoted as many of us in the United States, South America, and Europe sees a rise in coronavirus cases. I first sat down to write this blog when I was not feeling resilient. I was having a moment. Everything going

Corona-virus Protection

COVID-19 The Next Normal Ahead

Nine months of a global pandemic In this blog, COVID-19, the next normal ahead, I review significant areas of business continuity practice that will be incorporated post-pandemic. We are nine months into this global event. SARS-CoV-2 is a life-changing event for all of us. And, we are not yet through to the other side. It

COVID-19 Man Wearing N95 mask

Top 3 Reasons for a Business Continuity Program

July 2020 Business Continuity Management Value In this week’s blog, I am reflecting on the top three reasons for a business continuity program.  Our recent experience with COVID-19 has demonstrated an established Business Continuity Management Program’s value. Throughout the pandemic, the benefits of having a business continuity program are clear versus companies without a real-time

COVID-19 US Impacts

COVID-19 Top Five Daily Life Changes

May 2020 COVID-19 Top 5 Daily Life Changes In this blog, I am sharing my thoughts on COVID-19 top five daily life changes.  Our lives in the U.S. have already shifted due to the pandemic.  States are now relaxing the public health orders to stay at home.  More people are going back to work.  Many

Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19

Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19

I am pleased to share my second IFMA Podcast Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19 is a hot topic across the globe right now.  The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) – Boston Chapter, asked me to come back to speak to them about COVID-19.  This time, the topic was planning on how to return to

Pandemic planning for businesses

COVID-19 Pandemic Planning for Businesses

Guidance for businesses COVID-19 pandemic planning for businesses is hard when you are in the middle of a crisis emergency.  Pandemics are caused by new viruses so existing business continuity plans often fall short.  Most plans are built for a more routine disaster like a building fire or hurricanes. A friend called me last week

Man with COVID-19

The Best Defense is a Good Offense for COVID-19

It’s not if but when Preparedness for the novel coronavirus is more critical now than ever before for countries with limited or no known cases.  The CDC briefing earlier today warned the American public of the likely spread of the virus in the United States.  Community spread has occurred at a rapid pace this week

Businesswoman with mask at work

Top 10 Planning Tips for Covid-19

#1 How to protect employees & operations This week I am sharing my Top 10 Planning Tips For Covid-19.  As I am writing this blog, the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases is over 76,000 people worldwide. The majority of the outbreak is in mainland China, but twenty-seven other countries have confirmed cases. The number of

Disaster Empire
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