Category: Operational Resilience

Let the Operational Resilience Party Start
Operational Resilience

Operational Resilience: Unmasking the Secrets Behind a Scarily Effective Strategy

Hauntingly Good Operational Resilience Operational Resilience: Unmasking The Secrets Behind A Scarily Effective Strategy. Hopefully, you are as excited about Halloween as we are. So, we did it! This time in our series exploring the subject of operational resilience, we talk about making the entire subject less daunting. When you think of Halloween, what comes

Strategic OpsRes
Operational Resilience

Mastering Operational Resilience: A Deep Dive into Key Components

The Key to Thriving Amidst Disruption Let’s get right into mastering operational resilience: a deep dive into key components. In the last blog, we discussed the importance of Operational Resilience planning. It is not a replacement for Business Continuity or Risk Management. Instead, it more closely aligns the two to support the ongoing plasticity of

Operational Resilience Framework
Operational Resilience

Unlocking the Power of Operational Resilience Planning

Operational Resilience’s Criticality Operational resilience planning is more critical than ever in today’s fast-paced and uncertain business landscape. Companies must be prepared for disruptions, whether natural disasters, cyberattacks, or unexpected market shifts cause them. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of operational resilience planning and how it can empower your organization to thrive

Business Operational Resilience
Operational Resilience

Decoding Business and Operational Resilience: Unveiling the Key Differences

Understanding Resilience Types In this blog post, “Decoding Business and Operational Resilience: Unveiling the Key Differences,” we explore business and operational resilience. As these terms are often used interchangeably, dissecting their essence and discerning whether they are synonymous or harbor distinct characteristics is imperative. At first glance, business and operational resilience might seem to overlap,

Operational Sustainability
Operational Resilience

Operational Resilience Webinar

A few weeks ago, I participated in an Operational Resilience webinar. So, I had the pleasure of joining a panel with two of my Resilience Think Tank co-founders, Mark Hoffman and Lisa Jones. Clear Risk, a growing leader in risk management software, hosted our panel discussion. Below, I invite you to watch the replay if you

Disaster Empire
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