Tag: business continuity planning

Strategic OpsRes
Operational Resilience

Mastering Operational Resilience: A Deep Dive into Key Components

The Key to Thriving Amidst Disruption Let’s get right into mastering operational resilience: a deep dive into key components. In the last blog, we discussed the importance of Operational Resilience planning. It is not a replacement for Business Continuity or Risk Management. Instead, it more closely aligns the two to support the ongoing plasticity of

Financial Resilience Professionals Challenge
Business Continuity Management

Mastering Resilience: Unveiling the Ultimate Guide to Aligning DRI Framework with FFIEC Guidelines

First, What Is DRI? The Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI) is a globally recognized nonprofit organization promoting disaster recovery and business continuity. Established in 1988, DRI provides education, training, and certification programs to professionals and organizations involved in disaster recovery, business continuity, and resilience planning. Above all, its mission is to enhance the resilience of

Making the BCM Business Case
Business Continuity Management

Is BCM a Sham?

BCM gets a bad rap Is BCM a sham? You likely had a similar experience. You are in a meeting with an executive or mid-level manager. After providing a kick-off presentation or results report, you get a question about why Business Continuity Management (BCM) is necessary to the company. Of course, this is when having

Confusion about resilience
Business Resilience

What Resilience Is and Isn’t

Not simply a regulation Today, I am sharing what resilience is and isn’t from a business perspective. Many of you have asked me about the emerging resilience work. There’s so much out there that it can be confusing. First, it is not simply a regulatory requirement. In the UK, some of you may disagree as

COVID Dashboard
business disaster planning

Why Dashboards Are Better Than BCPs

Dashboards are evolved plans Dashboards are better than BCPs in several ways. In my last blog, I discussed why I believe dashboards will replace business continuity plans. Plan documents are an outdated format that no longer has value in today’s fast-paced business world. To help you better understand this idea, I will dig deeper into

Disaster Empire
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