Tag: crisis events

Confused businesswoman
disaster resilience

What is Disaster Resilience?

What is resilience anyway? I describe the benefits of disaster resilience quite often to others in my line of work. Recently, I was in a meeting prepping someone for a workshop on resilience, and I learned that their perception of it is different from mine. It got me to thinking that it would be an

Woman with Mexican skull mask
business continuity

Top 10 Scary Statistics for Small Business Disaster Planning

It’s Here…My Halloween Blog! It’s the Halloween blog. The reason why I love blogs with lists is that they somehow manage to identify all the awful, scary, and downright shocking facts about a topic! So, this is the perfect time of year to share statistics I discovered about business continuity planning and small businesses. The

Hurricane and Cyclone Natural Disasters

Hurricane Barry Hype vs. Reality

Louisiana Experienced Barry Last Week An example of hype vs. reality, Hurricane Barry is a case study of how cultural preparedness influences people’s reactions to events. Last week, Tropical Story Barry made landfall in Lousiana as a Category one hurricane. It built up over the Gulf of Mexico, forming on July 10th as it moved

Calendar of disaster events
crisis events

Top Three Crisis Events of 2019 So Far

Six-month check-in on 2019 crisis events Midyear is an excellent time to reflect on crisis events so far in 2019. This blog outlines my picks for the most impactful crisis events this year. Many emergencies happen annually. So, it was challenging to limit my choices to three incidents. I am mindful that personal reactions to

Disaster Empire
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