Tag: resilience

Business Continuity Resilience Interview
Business Continuity Management

The Resilient Journey Podcast

Check out my chat Mark Hoffman The Resilient Journey podcast recently asked me to sit down for my take on articulating value for business continuity practitioners. The host, Mark Hoffman, is exploring some of the most significant issues facing organizations today. During our chat, I share some valuable tips that resilience professionals can incorporate into

disaster recovery transformation
Business Continuity Management

The End of Business Continuity As We Know It

COVID-19 is a watershed moment Is this the end of business continuity as we know it? COVID-19 was a wake-up call for business continuity (BC) practitioners that our use of technical language and process is less than compelling. Few business groups understand what we do and why it is essential. Even when they do, our

Emergency Go Bags
crisis management

Three Personal Preparedness Tips for Crisis Managers

Walk the walk, talk the talk We all know it is crucial to be ready for emergencies. Below are my top three personal preparedness tips for crisis managers as we continue to respond to COVID-19 and other hazards. In reality, most of the ideas are things anyone can implement. However, as crisis managers, it is

Corporate Unified Incident Response
crisis management

Modern Crisis Management in Corporations

Crisis management after COVID Modern crisis management in corporations should leverage the existing leadership structure. Lessons learned in crisis management during COVID indicate that the emergency management structure of the Incident Command System (ICS) is not a perfect fit for large corporations. Instead, a hybrid approach is more successful. Process owners should continue to provide

Disaster Planning With Customers
Business Continuity Management

How To Increase Participation In BCM Programs

Fear incapacitates – demystify BCM Here are four ideas about how to increase participation in BCM programs. Picking up on a theme I shared in previous blogs such as A Customer Focus Means Enhanced Resilience and Future Business Continuity Is Customer-Centric, one of our challenges is not providing a return on value. By this, I

COVID Dashboard
business disaster planning

Why Dashboards Are Better Than BCPs

Dashboards are evolved plans Dashboards are better than BCPs in several ways. In my last blog, I discussed why I believe dashboards will replace business continuity plans. Plan documents are an outdated format that no longer has value in today’s fast-paced business world. To help you better understand this idea, I will dig deeper into

Butterfly after a diaster
business continuity

Business Continuity Plans Are Dead

Plan are dusty doorstops Business continuity plans are dead. It is a bold statement to make. Instead, the future is moving towards real-time data visualization. I understand that some of you may wonder how we can accomplish our business continuity objectives without plans. To that, I ask you to remember how many times we reference

Person using PPE for the panemic

The Importance of Resilience During COVID

Being resilient when you aren’t feeling it The importance of resilience during COVID-19 is being promoted as many of us in the United States, South America, and Europe sees a rise in coronavirus cases. I first sat down to write this blog when I was not feeling resilient. I was having a moment. Everything going

Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19

Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19

I am pleased to share my second IFMA Podcast Returning to the Workplace Amidst COVID-19 is a hot topic across the globe right now.  The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) – Boston Chapter, asked me to come back to speak to them about COVID-19.  This time, the topic was planning on how to return to

Man with COVID-19

The Best Defense is a Good Offense for COVID-19

It’s not if but when Preparedness for the novel coronavirus is more critical now than ever before for countries with limited or no known cases.  The CDC briefing earlier today warned the American public of the likely spread of the virus in the United States.  Community spread has occurred at a rapid pace this week

Disaster Empire
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